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  issue > puppy/kitten mills > harm to animals

KEY MESSAGE: Animals can suffer physically and psychologically in puppy and kitten mills. This pain and suffering has been documented through inspection reports, cruelty investigations, animal rescues and veterinarian reports, and general research.


Breeding dog, Minnesota breeder

Physical pain and suffering

Physical suffering is the easiest to see or prove. Examples:

Some breeding facilities house dogs or cats in cages or pens with excessive feces and urine. This poor sanitation results in matted hair, skin infections, parasites and the spread of disease between animals — and pain and suffering to the animals. (Strong ammonia odors from excessive urine can also contribute to disease and discomfort for the animals.)

High-density caging and over-crowding combined with inadequate or poor quality food and water also creates stress in animals which reduces animal immune systems, making them more susceptible to disease or other debilitating conditions. Examples of these diseases common to puppy mills include eye lesions, deafness, cataracts, epilepsy, retinal degeneration, hip dysplasia, dislocated kneecaps, glaucoma, cognitive issues, mammary tumors, and periodontal disease.

As noted above, one common ailment with puppy mill dogs is “dislocated kneecaps.” Animals who are kept for long periods in cramped cages with little or no exercise and poor nutrition can develop wobbly kneecaps due to insufficient muscle growth. The wired cages can also cause physical harm to the animals’ paws and legs, as they struggle to stand on the wire and keep their legs from falling through and getting caught or mangled.

Physically "damaged" animals may be sold at auction (though injured or deformed, they’re still considered viable for breeding) or killed if medical expenses are too high.

Puppy mills also cull puppies with ‘defects.’ These defects could include a dog that has too short of a tail, a sparse coat, undescended testicles, an umbilical hernia, or is just too small or too large. Other defects due to captivity and inhumane conditions include animals with loss of limbs or bones, deformed or broken legs from overcrowded wire cages, abscessed feet or hyperflexion.


Breeding dog, Minnesota breeder convicted of cruelty

Psychological suffering

Anyone who has been in a puppy or kitten mill or at a backyard breeder has witnessed dogs, puppies, cats and kittens cowering in the corner, afraid to approach humans or show affection. The psychological and emotional well-being of an animal is as critical as the physical well-being.

Because standards, inspections and enforcement of breeding conditions are minimal (by the USDA) or inadequate based on the needs of the animal and breed, psychological problems develop with the animals, such as trauma, extreme fear, kennel shyness, stress and aggression. Scientific reports confirm this. To cite a few reports:

“When animals are unable to perform species typical behaviors and control their environment, unintended stress results and may become manifested as abnormal behaviors, both maladaptive and malfunctional.” (Garner, 2005, research IACUC)

“If a dog is unsuccessful in developing adequate responses to enable it to cope [to stress], the response can then become maladaptive and the dog can develop subsequent affective disorders, disabilities, dysfunctions, and/or diseases.” (Selection, Acclimation, Training, and Preparation of Dogs for the Research Setting by LaVonne D. Meunier)

“Puppies begin learning at birth and their brains appear to be particularly responsive to learning and retaining experiences that are encountered during the first 13 to 16 weeks after birth. This means that breeders, new puppy owners, veterinarians, trainers and behaviorists have a responsibility to assist in providing these learning/socialization experiences with other puppies/dogs, with children/adults and with various environmental situations during this optimal period from birth to 16 weeks.” (Robert K. Anderson, Animal Behavior Clinic and Center to Study Human/Animal Relationships and Environments; University of Minnesota)

Improper breeding and care practices of the adult females also creates suffering, where females are kept in cages or pens their entire lives and bred each heat cycle. These breeding females are known as “brood bitches.” The Internet has numerous stories describing these dogs. Example: The female dog "bore all the symptoms of a puppy-mill breeding female. She not only had the blank expression and frail, bald body of a perpetually neglected animal, but also had untreated sarcoptic mange, ringworm, skin infections, dermatitis, ear infections, arthritis in her back legs (from years of close confinement), and early cataracts. What’s more, she had lost many of her teeth … due to poor care and nutrition.” Emotional distress with adult dogs, including mental breakdowns, has been documented.

The males, too, are subjected to excessive confinement and use for repeated breeding, which can result in suffering.

This is why “environmental enrichment” — creating a physical environment that promotes the overall psychological well-being of the animal — is a priority for many animal welfarists and advocates.

The MN Commercial Breeders Licensing and Enforcement law (passed in 2014), requires breeders (who meet the definition of the law) to provide daily enrichment and positive physical contact as per Minn. Stat. sec. 347.59:

(4) animals must be provided daily enrichment and must be provided positive physical contact with human beings and compatible animals at least twice daily unless a veterinarian determines such activities would adversely affect the health or well-being of the animal.

The MN Board of Animal Health, who administers the breeder law, is responsible for ensuring that these requirements are met for each animal in the kennel. Due to the Board's refusal to provide copies of inspections reports and other enforcement data, it is not possible to confirm if this section of law is being properly enforced. The fact that some Minnesota-licensed breeding kennels have over 1,000 dogs and puppies raises the question of care. What is the level of staff for these kennels to meet the requirements of the law and provide socialization and enrichment for each animal?

Local governments, when granting conditional use permits, may not consider psychological (or physical) factors as they have not been trained in animal welfare, the care of this species and the type of conditions needed for proper animal health and well-being in mass production facilities.


Breeding dog, Minnesota breeder, kennel closed

Studies and research describing harm to puppy mill dogs

Dr. Franklin McMillan, a board-certified specialist in veterinary internal medicine and leading expert on emotional pain in animals, has conducted considerable research on the behavioral challenges in dogs and puppies from commercial breeding establishments (CBEs), including the mental health and emotional well-being of animals who have experienced psychological trauma from abuse and neglect.


Dr. McMillan's work has led him to conclude: "The psychological trauma to both the adult dogs and the puppies from their confinement in these commercial breeding establishments is extensive, severe, and long-lasting ... [Today's] laws haven't come close to keeping pace with the advances in scientific knowledge about the nature of canine well-being."

Dr. McMillan is known for his research on breeding dogs and puppies from high volume breeding facilities. One of Dr. McMillan's studies, based on evaluations of 1,159 dogs from mass commercial breeding establishments (CBEs), was published in 2011 in Applied Animal Behavior Science. This study provided the first clear quantitative evidence that "dogs confined in CBEs for breeding purposes demonstrate impaired mental health and, as a result, diminished welfare."

What the study found:

• The results showed a broad range of abnormal behavioral and psychological characteristics in the former breeding dogs from large-scale commercial breeding establishments, including: significantly elevated levels of fears and phobias, pronounced compulsive and repetitive behaviors such as spinning in tight circles and pacing, house soiling, and a heightened sensitivity to being touched and picked up.

• The psychological harm demonstrated in these dogs is severe and long-lasting. Much of the harm is irreparable and will remain a continued source of suffering for years after the dogs leave the breeding facility, in some cases for the entire lifetime of the dog.

Another study by Dr. McMillan, published in 2013 in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, focused on puppies and compared the psychological and behavioral characteristics of 413 adult dogs that were purchased as puppies from pet stores with adult dogs purchased as puppies from small-scale, private breeders.

What the study found:

• Dogs obtained as puppies from pet stores received significantly less favorable scores than breeder-obtained dogs on most behavioral variables measured. Compared with dogs obtained as puppies from noncommerical breeders, dogs from pet stores had significantly greater aggression toward human family members, unfamiliar people, and other dogs; greater fear of other dogs and typical life events; and greater separation-related problems and house soiling.

• The chances of a dog developing serious behavior problems is much higher for dogs purchased as puppies from pet stores, as compared to obtaining dogs from small, noncommercial breeders.



Mental health of dogs formerly used as 'breeding stock' in commercial breeding establishents. FD McMillan, DL Duffy, JA Serpell. Applied Animal Behavior Science 2011; 135: 86-94.

Differences in behavioral characteristics between dogs obtained as puppies from pet stores and those obtained from noncommercial breeders. FD McMillan, JA Serpell, DL Duffy, E Masaoud, IR Dohoo. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 2013; 242: 1359-1363.

Puppy Mill Rescue Dogs: Transition to Home life (resources)

• Katrina animals: Pets vulnerable to post traumatic stress, too


Video below shows unwanted animals in pounds or shelters due to mass production of unwanted animals, resulting euthanasia.

Links below deal specifically with puppy mills throughout the United States, as well as documentation of dog auctions and pet store conditions. Many links contain graphic images. Below is a small sample of videos.


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