
animal cruelty


the link


dogs in hot cars

pet stores

puppy/kitten mills

    pet trade industry
    harm to animals
    harm to communities
    beliefs & attitudes
    government failure

commercial breeders

    profit motive
    who is USDA-licensed
    winona county
    USDA inspections


CVI data

fur farms

trophy hunting

high-speed slaughter


issue > fur farms


It is estimated that approximately 100 million animals are killed for their fur each year.

In fur factory farms, many of these animals are confined to small cages for their entire lives. The animals show signs of extreme distress from boredom and isolation. They are then gassed, electrocuted, or poisoned for the sole purpose of creating clothing and accessories.

These farms go largely unregulated, resulting in cruelty and neglect to the animals. Fur farms are specifically excluded from the federal Animal Welfare Act.

Advocacy and Action

Animal advocates worked together to pass an ordinance to ban the sale ofnew fur products in Minneapolis. This effort follows successful fur bans in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and several other cities.

The efforts succeeded! Minneapolis became the first US city to ban fur in a cold weather climate.

Efforts are now underway to pass a similar fur ban in the city of St. Paul.

Interested in helping? Contact for more informaiton.



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