
animal cruelty


the link


dogs in hot cars

pet stores

puppy/kitten mills

    pet trade industry
    harm to animals
    harm to communities
    beliefs & attitudes
    government failure

commercial breeders

    profit motive
    who is USDA-licensed
    winona county
    USDA inspections


CVI data

fur farms

trophy hunting

high-speed slaughter


issue >quicklinks


While great strides have been made to increase awareness about puppy mills and the treatment of animals in these facilities, more work must be done.

This is a complex issue; there is no one answer or strategy. It requires challenging the "system" that has allowed the puppy mill industry (and partners) to flourish and grow.

Animal Folks has taken multiple actions to improve protection for the animals.




Below are links that provide additional information about puppy mills, rehabilitation of puppy mill dogs, licensing and regulation, and other issues of importance.

Information and resources:

ASPCA: Puppy Mill Resources

Best Friends Animal Society: Puppy Mill Resources

Best Friends Animal Society: 15 Things You Can Do

Best Friends Animal Society: Puppy Mill Rescue Dogs - Tranistion to Home Life

HSUS: Puppy Mill Resources

ASPCA Rehabilitation

CAPS: Puppy Mills and Pet Shops

Licensing and regulatory information:

USDA - APHIS Search Tool: Compliance Database

Search tool includes copies of inspection reports for licensees

USDA: FOIA process

MN Board of Animal Health: Commercial Dog and Cat Breeder Program

Animal Welfare Act



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